A Woman Like Maria
A story about family, small-town Germany, nursing, blackmail and love.
Reviews for Grief Your Way: Living With Loss
“The love shared between Maria and Sophia is something one can only dream of!”
“Felt like being there. Great read.”
“A Woman Like Maria tugged on my heartstrings, hard!”
“A passionate sapphic romance that is a journey of self-discovery and awakening.”
“Reminds us how we can discover love at unexpected times and in uncharted territory. A person and place to call home.”
“This book was amazing.”
“I’ve never read a love story such as Sophia’s and Maria’s!”
“A beautifully crafted story.”
“A moving lesbian romance.”
“If you enjoy personal dramas filled with realism, hope, and a healthy dose of sapphic love, you will be delighted with "A Woman Like Maria.”
“A story full of heart and loves promise.”
Grief, Your Way: Living With Loss
If you or someone you know, has, is or will be confronting the reality of loss (and who isn’t), you’ve come to the right place. You’ve come to the right place for clarity, understanding, love, and support. The time to start healing is now. The prescription for what is gnawing at your guts, weighing heavily on your mind and breaking your heart, is already written. I know you will find some of the ingredients you seek within these pages.”
—Leti Aguilar Moses, Teacher & Parent
“There is much that I do not know, and it is in this not knowing that I continue to learn, and offer these experiences with grief and loss”
—Gabriel Constans
Reviews for Grief Your Way: Living With Loss
“I’ve worked in public health as an advisor to presidents and locally as a county health officer and hospice physician for over thirty years. This is one of the most practical, useful and inspiring books about loss and mourning that I have ever read. Anyone who works with grieving individuals would be well advised to have this down-to-earth personal collection available for their clients.”
—Arnie Leff, MD, Medical Director, Mission Hospice
“Gabriel Constans has dedicated his professional life to being present to people walking the tender journey of grief. In the past twenty-five years he has been a messenger of comfort, peace and safety for thousands of people. Gabriel’s writings are a reflection of the knowledge and wisdom he has acquired along the way.”
—Charmiel Teresi, Coordinator, Center for Grief and Loss
Being Mindful: Exercises For Your Health
This toolkit of guided exercises by Dr. Gabriel Constans will help you look after your mind and body, whether you’re dealing with peer pressure, anxiety, bereavement or school pressures. Whatever your worries, whatever you are going through, Gabriel will lead you through fifty-two gentle and practical sessions that will help you decrease stress, release endorphins, relax and reconnect with your mind and body.
Reviews for Being Mindful: Exercises for your Health
“A meticulously crafted 52-week exercise book, delving into the realm of guided meditation to anchor one’s awareness in the present. This book proves indispensable for today’s generation, safeguarding mental well-being and enhancing efficiency.”
—Arun Verma
“A breath of fresh air!”
—Bibiana Krall
“Easy to understand and apply to real-life situations. Very helpful in handling stress. A book you will want to refer to over and over again”
—Janice Frogel, Motivational speaker, author of ACE IT! FOR LIFE.
“These are easy-to-follow exercises with a lofty and achievable goal: to reduce stress.”
—Gabriel Coll, author of Anxiety & Panic Workbook
Papa's Favorite Smoothies
Thirty-two healthy, delicious smoothie recipies everyone will love
Join Gabriel (Papa), and the Smoothie Goddess, for the healthiest, most delicious, drink creations on the planet. Families everywhere love Papa's Smoothies! Easy to make, pore & enjoy! Brilliant illustrations by Jane Cornwell, at Jane’s Studio Press. @JC_STUDIO_Press. Available around the world in paperback, kindle and hardcover.
“What delicious smoothie ideas. Love the artwork and the dedication to nutrition.”
“I can’t wait to try every one of these mouthwatering recipes!”
“Something for everyone. Very yummy!”
A B.R.A.V.E Year
52 Weeks Being Mindful
Like the rest of the body, it’s good to exercise the mind. Daily exercise, and meditation, has been shown to increase health, by decreasing stress, which allows the body (and mind) to naturally release endorphins, relax and heighten awareness. In this helpful book, Gabriel Constans leads the reader through fifty-two gentle and encouraging sessions planned to reconnect the body and soul. It takes courage and bravery, to honestly witness what we discover, inside and out, without turning away or getting caught in the content. It is a brave act to allow oneself to be still, if even for a moment, to look at one’s present experience, face the world and grow stronger.
“This book is a must read and must have. The author states, “It takes courage, bravery, to honestly witness what we discover, inside and out, without turning away or getting caught in the content.” He’s so right. It is a brave act to allow oneself to be still, if even for a moment, to look at one’s present experience. I highly recommend this book. Thank you Mr. Constans! You are a life saver!”
“Easy to understand and apply to real-life situations. Very helpful in handling stress. A book you will want to refer to over and over again.”
“This sentence encapsulates the essence of BRAVE. ‘The body is a barometer of emotions, thoughts and sensations. It is the rope that keeps us tethered to reality.’ I would recommend it to anyone who is starting out, curious but doesn’t want to put themselves out in public practice, or who has dropped off the wagon of self-care—it brings you back to a place of replenishment. If I could only use two words to describe this book, they would be gentle and unobtrusive”
“This book was a breath of fresh air, literally and figuratively!”
“I had no idea that practicing mindfulness was so easy yet helpful. The way the book shows how to practice is really simple and straight to the point. I am definitely going to start practicing it right away, and if you care/love your own life and happiness, you may choose to start reading it too.”
“Dr. Constans offers readers a reprieve - from the everyday barrage of expectations and accompanying judgments. The beauty of this book rests in its simplicity and in its invitation. There are no rules, no directives; rather, we are simply offered a choice. Beautiful!”
“An amazing read! This book brought to light many issues we deal with on an everyday basis. The idea that we do not own our emotions and thoughts, left a deep imprint. I see myself reaching for this book throughout my life.”
“I found my mind like a drop swirling down the mysterious underground staircase with a guide in hands to pass through a complicated labyrinth safe and sound. My favorite subtitle in the book was about observing and differentiating. Gabriel said, “It is a step towards not only creating “space” between stimulus and response, but also identifying what happens in that space and giving us insight and freedom to choose”. This reminds me of a poem from Rumi which indirectly says there lives an observer in you. If you keep it alive and in the best condition, then it will work to show you the differentiating boundaries like an accurate compass. The simplicity of the writing is a remarkable property for such a pocket gemstone. Words flow like the cold water of a creek and blow like the cool breeze on your face. “Breathe in and breathe out and feel the air bringing everything you need right now.”
This book is a wonderful guide! Looking forward to walking through this book throughout the year!
A thoughtful guidebook to begin and/or deepen your mindfulness practice! - a must-have for anyone wishing to use mindfulness to help center themselves and live more in the present moment. The exercises are easy and effective. This book is approachable both to the beginner and the expert. I heartily recommend “A BRAVE YEAR”!
Reading this book has been enlightening in my pursuit to a mindful lifestyle. These are easy to follow exercises with a lofty and achievable goal: to reduce stress.
I warmly recommend A Brave Year to the curiously-minded, skeptics and experienced practitioners alike.
Best meditation book I’ve ever read.
This book is a blessing. Anyone can benefit. Fifty-two weeks that can change your life for the next fifty-two years.
Best meditation book I’ve ever read.
What an enlightening book. The included exercises are key, pushing you to take a deep look at yourself, guiding you to soothe the body from within. The sessions are laid out in easy-to-understand short activities, a real plus for someone new to meditation. Thank you for sharing your expertise, and providing this valuable tool to minimize, cope, and combat the stress and anxiety of everyday life.
Pure and simple. An easy to use heart health resource offering a direct path to the healing benefits of mindful meditation for all.
A B.R.A.V.E. Year is a beautiful offering of bringing mindfulness into each week of the year. This is a practical down to earth guide that has the power to transform your life!
—Bob Stahl, Ph.D., coauthor of A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook, Living With Your Heart Wide Open, Calming the Rush of Panic, A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook for Anxiety, and MBSR Everyday.
An accessible, informative and clever offering that can help us easily weave mindfulness practices into everyday life. A timely offering to a world in need of peace and perspective.
—Savarna Wiley, Yoga/Meditation teacher and Hospice chaplain.
Gabriel Constans's B.R.A.V.E model for training the mind is an elegant yet simple immersion into the transformative practice of mindfulness meditation, providing the reader with 52 weeks of well-crafted instruction. At a time when mindfulness instruction has become a fixture in popular western culture, Gabriel brings depth and integrity back to the conversation and provides a treasure for any serious student of meditation. B.R.A.V.O. to Gabriel for BRAVE!
—Gaea Logan, Director, International Mental Health.
Accessible to all mindfulness seekers. Three Jewels for B.R.A.V.E.!
—Cece Pinheiro, Director, Special Parents Information Network.
After years spent thinking I might get around to meditating someday, I read this book. The simplicity of its message, its well-organized format, as well as the gentle guidance offered, does precisely what I'd always intended: meditate and be mindful. Using his clear, concise, no-nonsense style, the author does an outstanding job of making a wide range of meditation-related information accessible. Surprisingly he's able to do so, while including material suitable for a broad range of meditation practices, be the reader a teacher or a newbie. In particular, I like that the material is chunked down into manageable bite-size pieces; this makes the wealth of material easy to assimilate. As a result, I keep referring back to read more. This is a book that I highly recommend; the benefits to your life could be incalculable!
—Janice Strubbe Wittenberg, R.N., Author of The Worship of Walker Judson.
A refreshing outlook on meditation, and terrific aid in practice and learning. Recommended reading and study for our students.
—Professor Jane Carr, 10th Dan – American Judo & Jiu-jitsu Federation.
Reading A Brave Year was like someone pointed a finger at me and said, “slow down". It is not a one-time read, but something I will be accessing repeatedly. It is providing a much-needed sense of calmness and focus.
A B.R.A.V. E. Year, lays out 52 lessons in insight meditation together with exercises, many of which have mnemonic acronyms for easy recall. For those who have considered meditation – or tried it but floundered – as well as for meditation teachers seeking a more methodical approach, this concise book is the perfect answer.
—Chris Beal, Meditation student and author of Flesh of Enlightenment.
Gabriel highlights the mental, emotional and physical benefits of meditation as a regular practice in this ‘how-to’ companion book for the teacher and the seeker alike. Now go and meditate.
—Diane Levin, Artist, Seeker.
These simple acronyms and exercises are playful, yet potent, opportunities for anyone to practice mindfulness, whatever their age or experience.
—Navyo Ericsen, author of Soul Traveler: Taking the Jump.
A clear set of 52 Zen-infused aphorisms and practices to support moving from habitual thinking to freedom and liberation. I loved taking in these concise and focused pointers toward mindful awareness and compassionate action. These teachings are grounded in Constans’ deep and long-term experience as a therapist, a father and a mindfulness practitioner. Reduce stress and increase relaxed self-awareness in 52 weeks.
Anything Gabriel Constans touches turns to minessence.
—David Theirmann, Career consultant.
A B.R.A.V.E. Year offers much food for the hungry soul, delivered in weekly lessons that are designed to "widen our circle of compassion", as the great Albert Einstein put it. When embraced with sincerity and open-mindedness, this manual will teach you how to work with your own mind and awareness so you can live in a state of inner freedom, serenity and joy.
—Mariko Hirakawa, International Yoga Teacher
As a counselor with high-risk teenagers, and their teachers, for many years, and as CEO of a successful learning company, I believe this book will have a profound and lasting effect on all who read it.
—Margie Savage, CEO Quantum Units 4U.
I found A B.R.A.V.E. Year to be both stimulating and thought provoking. The use of the discussions and exercises is a wonderful reminder to stay focused on the present and to identify less with the content in our lives and more with the overall context of our spiritual unfoldment.
Frank Zappa said, “So many books, so little time.” I believe that goes for all the dissertations on meditation and introspection as well. Nonetheless, if you choose to make the time, do not pass by Gabriel's introduction to A B.R.A.V.E. Year. This work bears the brilliant signature of the author whose work I published on many occasions over the past decade, and who I am proud to call my friend.
—Angelica Pastorelli (Angie), Publisher of Angie’s Diary.
As a mom of 5, wife, and business owner who basically operates on two speeds - intense or sleeping - I will benefit tremendously from this work of art. Many times, I find myself carried through life from one crisis to another and spend my “downtime” planning and preparing for the next one. Dr. Constans’ advice whilst seemingly simplistic, is actually quite profound and cuts to the heart of how we ought to approach all in life to achieve true fulfillment. What I found most exciting about this work is how Dr. Constans emphasizes that our greatest strength, creativity, opportunity, and purpose, lies in the space between stimulus and response. Now go ahead and chew on that for a while.
—Darah Zeledon, Mother of five, and author of Girl with the Crooked Smile – Stuck in the Moment.
Inspirational and practical, with insightful tools to build habits of mindfulness.
—Lori Butterworth, Director of Jacob’s Heart Center for Children.
Dr. Gabriel Constans has created a treasure trove of guided mindfulness exercises drawn from decades of integrating mindful awareness with work in intense service-sector settings. Teachers of mindfulness-based meditation can use these exercises to expand their repertoire of guidance instructions. Particularly noteworthy here is the groundedness of each practice in awareness of the bodily sensations, thoughts, and feelings that may arise for the participants. I recommend A B.R.A.V.E. Year as a welcome tool for meditation instructors.
—Yudron Wangmo, author of the Cycle of the Sky series of young adult novels.
Zen Master Tova Tarantino Toshiba: The Illustrious and Delusional Abbess of Satire
This fictional short-story collection challenges perceptions and illusions about religious masters, spiritual teachers, gurus, charlatans and holy men and women of all persuasions, while simultaneously tickling our funny bone and exercising the muscles our faces rely on for laughter. Zen Master Tova Tarantino Toshiba takes liberty with questionable material from the living sea, near Egypt; tofu paper, in Okinawa; a tomb, in Italy; a shaman, in Ethiopia; and a half-sister, in India. The words, quotes, koans and stories, of this soon to be classical work, include the timeless insights of Let the Worm’s Go, Dead Food, Reality Bites, Stealing the Buddha, Drip After Drip, Sound of One Eye, Catching Wind, Looking Good, My Cat’s Enlightened, Chocolate Box, and Sex, Drugs and Sushi Rolls.
Enlightenment or laughs? With Gabriel Constans' book you don't have to choose. Zen masters usually have a sense of humor, or need one. Gabriel's got it, and he gives us a world of illusions to laugh about.
This is a blessed book that can be read during the rapture or while burning in hell.
“World leaders and politicians could learn a thing or two from the teachings of Master Tova Tarantino Toshiba. She understood and transformed the inspiring, Yes. No. Maybe, into Yes, we can, long before its use in politics.”
Zen Master Tova Tarantiono Toshiba is a splendid collection of wit, women and wine. It reminds me of a night on the town with Mohammad Ali in drag.
There are no teachings that are outside of you, except the ones inside this book. Unless, of course, you've eaten this book.
— , guru, avatar, wisdumb teacher at www.duhism.com
An incredible onslaught of insight and universal truth - like Yoda on estrogen.
An endearing and soul searching work that reveals hidden treasures of this infamous master and hysterically questionable abbess. My brother loves it.
What a stitch!! It made my day!!!
Gabriel Constans’ divine book about the humble Abbess can be used as a book of prayer, inspiration or before communing with the poor or the filthy rich.
For those who are old enough to remember, the original Golden Girls sitcom was based on the real life teachings of that zany grand lady of Zen, Master Tova Tarantino Toshiba.
Zen Master Tova Tarantino Toshiba was my inspiration for Huckleberry Finn.
Quirky, novel, off-the-wall.
Therapy Doc says, “Zen Master Tova Tarantino is a mystery wrapped in an enigma, which is the books charm.”
It is deceptively simple, or it could be called simply deceptive. It is a book to wrestle with…
— , Future Fire Reviews
The Last Conception - A Novel
A successful embryologist (Savarna) must make difficult and life-changing choices. Should she continue devoting her soul to work and party with her girlfriend Magdalena or settle down with Charlemagne (Charly) and have children? If she decides to have children, how and when will they start the process and what will it take to convince her conservative East Indian mother to stop trying to marry her off to a “good man”? If that isn’t enough pressure, throw in the bomb her parents plant when they tell her she MUST have a baby because she is the last in line of a great spiritual teacher who reportedly never had children.
A very talented writer. A story about life, family, and love. Five huge stars for me!
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Captivating and sublime, a love story with an amazing and intriguing sub-plot.
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Gabriel Constans' inspiring new novel delves into the framework of our purpose in life; explores the tenuous balance between destiny and personal truth and the struggle we undergo when those forces are at odds. Constans weaves the two together seamlessly and in the end, we are certain that love surpasses tradition, destiny and our own selfish wants.
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Often, when tradition and technology meet they collide without forgiveness. Gabriel Constans manages to bring these opposites together with an open heart and the result is a story of compassion, love and the gifts that a generous partnership can provide.
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It is mysterious, sweet, funny and entertaining at the same time. The words are flowing nicely and you get caught up in the story before you even realize. If you like romance, with or without lesbian characters and with a bit of mystery, this is the book for you.
The Last Conception is a delightful read! It depicts a family muddling its way through a mire of personal, cultural, and generational differences, and reminds us all to slow down and remember - what else - love. Besides, what good are agendas when the dance of life is out of our control?
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The Last Conception is a bhakti-fest of love and loss, hope and courage that comes in unexpected packages. Take a peek into the lives of an Indian-American family faced with an unusual demand of their medical professional unmarried daughter whose job and personal life intersect in unanticipated ways. Although happy endings are never guaranteed, it seems that one is in the offing for this savory literary masala.
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The Last Conception is an engaging and unexpected tale of a young American woman whose choices about partnership and parenting have significant implications for her East Indian parents. According to them, it is Savarna's destiny to have a child, to continue the lineage of an ancient spiritual teacher. The novella is well written and fast-paced and evokes important inquires into spirituality and the true meaning of birth.
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In The Last Conception, Gabriel Constans reaches into everyone's heart and mind. He explores the essence of religion, not as something prescribed, but as a suggestion of loving connectedness beyond time.
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The Last Conception is a compelling read. The mystery at the heart of this tale about the complicatons of conception lures the reader to examine the deeper issues facing the characters: telling the truth about one’s needs and desires, the urge to have children, the pressures of family ancestry, and the power of love. Suspenseful and sweet, there’s always an unexpected twist, all the way to the end.
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Along with witnessing the blossoming relationship of Savarna and Charlemagne, the author explores assimilation-related challenges that beset a first generation East Indian family, an exploration of infertility, the technological advances of in vitro fertilization and a tantalizing spiritual twist regarding the Keepers of the Seed. The seamless juxtaposition of the novel’s topics makes for an inspired mix. Constans, a multi-talented writer, has penned an engaging and joyous read.
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An intriguing book. I loved all the characters, especially Savarna and her mysterious grandmother. The discovery of the ancient robe and the golden ring is a wonderful touch. An insightful book that I could not put down.
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This is a fascinating look at what a family is and why people need to belong and feel accepted by caring social groups (Maslow’s Hierarchy’s third tier)… Savarna drives the intriguing storyline as she tries to please her extended family (including the cult members), her mate and ultimately herself.
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This is an intriguing and compelling story… wondrously adorable. There are so many captivating concepts, cultural components from India, and a sublime love story, too. Enchanting!
Let’s just say that ultra right-wing conservatives would hate this book, especially the conclusion. (All the more reason to read it!) One of our favorite words here at Onely is amatonormative, which means the normalizing of a few specific kinds of love relationships while marginalizing all others. The Last Conception kicks amatonormativity in the ass. Which is why it gets one thumb up from our blog. The other thumb is busy turning the pages for a second read-through.
A taut narrative that is extremely simple and yet keeps the reader engaged with its fast pace and myriad topics, conjuring doubts, dogmas and apprehensions in minds of young people all over the globe. A story which deserves to be read and preserved, not just as a treasure-trove of information, but also juxtaposing human emotions. It is in raising forth pertinent questions pertaining to modern society that Gabriel Constans has succeeded commendably in this contemporary and important work of fiction, ‘The Last Conception’.
…a love story mixed with a mystery worthy of The Da Vinci Code.
Blending spirituality, sexuality, physical limitations, and medical decisions in a unique way, The Last Conception is a story like no other I’ve read. Constans weaves these over-arching themes into a journey that will surprise and delight readers.
I was immediately sucked in. Is she going to give in and try to get pregnant? —
This is an intriguing and compelling tale. I really enjoyed this book and hope it is appreciated by all. There are so many captivating concepts, cultural components, and a sublime love story. Enchanting! —
Buddha's Wife - A Novel
Buddha’s Wife is a novel about compassion, inspiration and forgiveness. Thousands of books, texts and stories have followed Siddhartha’s teachings and his path to becoming The Buddha, but little has been written about his wife Yasodhara, their child Rahula or their relatives, until now.
Yasodhara was the first woman in Siddhartha’s life, but not the last to follow in his footsteps. Why did he call his son “a hindrance” and believe women were a trap of desire and attachment “not fit to follow or understand my teachings”? How did Yasodhara and the nuns fight for equal treatment and rights? How could The Buddha have such compassion for others, yet be so scared of intimacy, emotion and love? What happened to sixteen-year-old Yasodhara and her two-day old son, Rahula, after her husband (Siddhartha) left her sleeping in the middle of the night to seek enlightenment?
tells a fascinating story, little known in the west, about the woman whom Buddha left behind. Gabriel Constans focuses the reader’s attention on the strong and complicated women who surrounded Buddha and makes us re-think the nature of spiritual life.
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This book is an awesome read, insightful, woman loving - a challenge to all spiritual seekers to rethink, re-vise, and dream anew.
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A remarkable recreation of Yasodhara’s life. It is very readable and engages readers in the complexity of issues many women have raised about Gotama the Buddha’s life and practice.
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One of the best books I’ve read this year.
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Every so often, a book comes into your hands that touches you—I mean really touches you—deep in your heart. Buddha’s Wife by Gabriel Constans does just that.
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Buddha’s Wife is a brilliant contribution to the genre of literary fiction. Gabriel Constans combines traditional stories of the heroism of Siddhartha (Buddha) with an imaginary fictional account of the story of Yasodhara and her son Rahula.
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Constan's novel raises the questions that thoughtful students of Buddhism have been wrestling with since the beginning and provides a perspective that becomes a deep teaching in it own right.
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One of the most thought provoking books and authors I came across this year (2010) was Dr. Gabriel Constans, who wrote the book, Buddha’s Wife.
I highly recommend this novel, especially as a group reading selection. I think that it will stimulate very interesting conversations and provide a great deal of ideas for journaling.
Those ready for an easy, quick read that leaves a feeling of forgiveness and inspiration should pick up Buddha’s Wife.
A remarkable recreation of Yasodhara’s life. It is very readable and engages readers in the complexity of issues many women have raised about Gotama the Buddha’s life and practice.
Luscious Chocolate Smoothies
Luscious Chocolate Smoothies is a delicious collection of recipes that combines the rich, intoxicating taste and benefits of dark chocolate, with a tantalizing balance of fruits, nuts, tofu, liquor, juices and other unique combinations to create cool, refreshing, mouth watering drinks for all ages.
The book is interspersed with chocolate anecdotes, humor and history, as well as tips for blending and information on its vivacious ingredients.
Discover the connection between love and chocolate; delve into The Hurricane, Coyote's Howl or The Nutty Professor; and blissfully empty every cup to the last drop.
Saint Catherine's Baby - Stories
An eclectic collection of short stories that include Ruthie and her obstinate elderly student from Germany (The English Lesson); Stephanie, who waits for the unorthodox return of her deceased father (Dressed In Black); Walter O'Brien, who discovers a young couple and their child in an abandoned monastery on the West Coast of Ireland (St. Catherine's Baby); Shannon, on the run at a shoe store in Chicago (Sizing Up Shannon); Jacque, meeting Rosalita's shocked parents in New Mexico (Framed); and Joshua Johnson, a school custodian whose mother may have interfered in his love life for the last time (The Sweetest Man).
Dr. Leff—Stepping Into The Fire
Biography of an idealistic boy from New York who joined the Civil Air Patrol for God and country and never looked back. Capt. Arnie Leff, MD has fought many wars, overseas and at home. He attended Hebrew Union College; served as a physician and Jewish chaplain during the Viet Nam War (when he was stationed at Udorn and U-Tapao Air Force Bases in Thailand); locked horns with corporations and state bureaucracies as health commissioner of Cincinnati; worked in the Nixon administration in drug education programs for the military; started some of the first free clinics in the country; jumped into the trenches at the beginning of the AIDS pandemic; and has pulled no punches with his often controversial opinions about drugs, euthanasia, health care and medical marijuana. He is presently a professor at Stanford University School of Medicine.
Solar Girl and Lunar Boy
Solar Girl and Lunar Boy is a delightful collection of children stories that includes siblings tapping into their inner light to vanquish fear of the unknown (Solar Girl); humorously transforms a common experience from sadness to joy (No Smiling On Wednesdays); breaks stereotypes and teaches earthquake safety in Quake, Shake and Roll; and explores the world of ants and the environment, in As Precious As Gold.
The Skin of Lions
This is a picture book collection from Rwanda. At one time all of the children in this book lived on the streets. The stories are from their personal experiences, traditional folk tales or creative imaginations. They continue a thousand-year-old oral tradition and speak for all of those that have been silenced. Author royalties go to the Rwanda Orphan's Project at www.rwandanorphansproject.org.
101 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage
Nothing strengthens a relationship like communication and intimacy. Whether you have been together days, months, years or decades, sharing your love and your time with your partner is the glue that binds. Everyone wants to be adored and appreciated. You don't need a lot of time and money or a doctorate in relationships to keep your marriage alive and growing.
The Penis Dialogues, Handle With Care
After seeing the Vagina Monologues, Gabriel realized the value of a similar investigation into men's feelings about their penis and its influence on them and others. Men of various ages, occupations, sexual orientations and cultures talk about love, sex, relationships and painful, humorous and joyful moments with themselves and others. This book investigates and lays bare the facts, myths, experiences, misperceptions and stories of that part of men's bodies by which they are so often defined. It goes beyond the cliches, jokes and comparisons of male virility and power as men speak from the heart with honesty, curiosity, shock, bemusement and surprise.
What people have been saying about The Penis Dialogues:
“I was struck by this book’s humor, probing curiosity and genuine compassion.”
-- Eve Ensler (Author of The Vagina Monologues)“Constans has created a heads up, hands on exploration of the male member. It is both amusing and informative.”
-- James McElheron (Building Consultant and Supervisor)“The book is an excellent starting point for men who have previously wondered about aspects of their sexuality, genitalia or whether or not they were “normal”. Whilst much of the book is made up of men telling of their own experiences, the book also covers a range of penis health issues and a number of entertaining tales related from the penis’ point of view.”
-- www.altpenis.com“The Penis Dialogues is an informative and funny book about the life of our penis and its affect on love, sex, relationships and our health. The book explores myths, clichés, and misconceptions in a funny and curious way.”
-- Gary Johnson (Publisher of Black Men in America)“If you live in any city, you have probably seen THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES. Well, along comes THE PENIS DIALOGUE by Constans, published by Aslan publishing. Not only is it hugely funny, it provides so much information about this part of a guy's anatomy. Because there so many myths and misconceptions about what is good and what is bad, this book is reassuring and comforting, and you can even laugh at your penis and its idiosyncrasies. Ladies, do your partner a favour and give him this book.”
-- W Network, (Television network for Canadian women).“Eve Ensler watch out! This is a funny yet interesting insight into the world of the penis. This book is mainly collections of short stories from men and their experiences with their penises. It is interesting for both men and women to see how the penis affects men’s lives and outlook on life. Look out for sections such as “women’s eye view”, “if your penis could talk”, “penis facts” and “sing along with dick”. A great read.”
-- Andrew Kelly, Library Technician, Healthy, Sexy & Wise, E-Newsletter, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2005 - Family Planning Association of Western Australia Inc. (FPWA).
Don't Just Sit there, Do Something!
-- Grief's Wake up Call
Events that can and often do, devastate us emotionally, can also be used for personal transformation and growth. Some individuals find hope and opportunity in the midst of adversity. They reach out to help others find comfort and healing. Some succeed to change laws, institutions, policies and assumptions.
Meet Leah Rabin, Le Ly Hayslip, Maggie and Reg Green, Jeanne White, Hazel Johnson, Lee Mun Wah, Nane Alejandrez, Candace Lightner and others, to discover how they have found strength, courage and sheer tenacity to overcome the worst that can happen and use it as a catalyst to rediscover them selves and help others in the process.
What People have been saying about Don't Just Sit There, Do Something!:
In Don't Just Sit There, we have the privilege of listening to these inspiring people as they tell us what they have endured and how. These are lessons on living that come direct from experience, lessons we all need. I hope this book reaches many, touching hearts and infusing us all with its wisdom.
-- Ellen Bass, co-author of The Courage to HealA deeply moving work ... highly recommended for hospice workers, grief counselors, and ministers and as a powerful affirmation for life.
-- NAPRA ReViewGabriel Constans searches out the key to living after a loss by interviewing survivors who use a variety of activities to cope with a death ... this book is an inspiration to both the bereaved and those who support them.
-- Lynne Ann DeSpelder, author of The Last Dance: Encountering Death and Dying
Goddess of Cancer and Other Plays
A collection of one act plays about: cancer incarnated in human form as the Goddess of Cancer; a twelve-step meeting for disposed or deceased dictators, entitled "Dictators Annoymous"; "Good Intentions", which portrays four famous proponents of communism discussing their intentions at an American greasy spoon diner; and a short screen play about violence and its aftermath, entitled "A Murderous Rage".
Forum Players take on cancer in season-opening play. The Goddess of Cancer by Gabriel Constans. Batavia Daily News. October 10, 2013.

Just a Heartbeat Away
"The next day Grandy and Grandpa came. Mom told them she had AIDS. The door to her room was open. We could hear Grandy crying, and Grandpa saying, 'I can't believe this. My own daughter!'"
The only book for children that realistically talks about a heterosexual parent dying from AIDS. Based on a true story about children who learn to cope with their mother's illness and death.
Great American Smoothies
This fun filled book contains a large collection of healthful, tasty drinks from fresh fruits and vegetables that were originally created for his young daughter and later for his growing clan of picky eaters! He was delighted at how easily and happily they consumed them. The book presents a wide variety of recipes for healthful smoothies (including some for adults only which are probably not that healthful!), shakes, and slushes, plus advice on blenders and ingredients. Delightful, whimsical line drawings by illustrator John Wincek enhance each recipe. See a page from the book to wet your appetite!